Ritz gay bar nyc

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The two standouts in this category for me were Pattaya Hart’s Little Mermaid mix, and the once again extraordinary Alotta McGriddles performing as “Raped Annie Warbucks” featuring Krystal Something Something. The girls really brought it in there own ways it was really awesome to see all the different varieties of drag. Please someone invent the surgery now!īetween rounds Leopolitian, LeeLee Heavenly and Viki Villianess delivered us an epic k-pop (Korean pop) number (“I Am the Best” by 2ne1), which set the stage for the amazing performances of round two. Gurl, let me tell you, I wanna be the Amanda Lepore of financial transplants.

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My favorite question was, “If you could have three plastic surgeries, what would they be?” While all the girls did a sickening job of displaying who they were in this round, Alotta McGriddles said she would have a financial transplant. In this round the girls showed us a bit of who they are by answering four questions.

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Contestants Madison Liegh, Monet Exchange, Alotta McGriddles, Miz Jade and Pattaya Hart served the runway in the following three categories:

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