Dad gay sex stories

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Sleeping over at Gary's house was convenient. My parents would make me come home on a school night at 9:00PM but her parents were nice and liked me, so we could stay at her house til around midnight before they told me I had to go home. It was mostly an excuse to my parents so I could stay out overnight and spend more time with her. I guess because of my height and weight I didn't do too good with the college girls.īefore college, I used to stay at Gary's house a lot, sometimes overnight because he lived one block from my girlfriend. We had experimented with sex a lot and when I went off to college and left her behind, I was always horny and missing her. I did have a pretty big dick, 8 inches long, cut and pretty thick. A smooth, nice, lean, fair complected body. I was ok looking, physically kinda small and thin, but in pretty good shape without any muscular definition.

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I'm 26 years old now and still look about the same, maybe 10 lbs.

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I had no facial hair, was pretty slim and about 150 lbs. I was 18 years old then, 5' 9's tall, had long brown hair. Gary never seemed to have a girlfriend, but I know he liked pussy as much as I did.

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I had a steady girlfriend then, so I was getting laid regularly When I went off to college and left my hometown, the only sex I got was when I drove home on weekends, holidays or summer. We met in 5th grade and hung out until we both went off to college.

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